Sunday, November 30, 2014

Bedtime Conversations

About once a week I make a point to chat with each of my littles, one on one, when they're cozy in bed, settled for the night. Sometimes we talk about nothing, other times we talk about "stuff".

They never cease to amaze me.

Conversation #1

Me: What would you think if Prince Charming* stayed here the next time he was in town?

Boy: Where would he sleep? Would I have to sleep in the girls' room?

Me: No, he'd sleep in my bed.

Boy: Then where would you sleep?

Me: In my bed too.

Boy: And I don't have to give up my bed? 

Me: Nope. You'd still sleep in your bed.

Boy: Then it doesn't really matter to me...Oh, Mom! You won't be so cold at night if he stays here, he can keep you warm!

Planning on it, my boy. Planning on it.

Conversation #2

Me: What would you think if Prince Charming* stayed with us the next time he was in town?

Eldest: Would we be here too? Or would we go to Dad's?

Me: More than likely you'd be at Dad's. But I wanted your opinion, in case you're not.

Eldest: Oh, like if dad works?

Me: Yep.

Eldest: Well.... It's fine with long as I know before I go to sleep that he'll be here when I wake up. It would totally freak me out to wake up and find a guy in my house.

Me, laughing: fair enough. I'd make sure you'd know the night before.

Conversation #3

Me: What would you think if Prince Charming* stayed with us the next time he was in town?

Littlest: Why? 

Me: Well....I work, and I'd like to spend some time with him and if he stayed here, I could see him more.

Littlest: Oh, that makes sense. You do work a lot...Where would he sleep?

Me: In my bed, with me.

Littlest: Can I still come in if I have a bad dream or can't sleep? 

Me: Of course. I'd probably tuck you back in your bed though, you wouldn't get to climb in bed with me.

Littlest: Oh.....Yeah. I guess your bed isn't really big enough for three.

Me: True. And he's not used to kids climbing into bed...

Littlest, giggling: Yeah. And he might snore, so I wouldn't sleep anyways.

Me: ..... I hadn't thought of that.

Littlest, patting my hand reassuringly: Don't worry momma, if he snores you can sleep with me.

I love my realistic, honest, pragmatic children. 

*name has been changed. 
Obviously.  Because he's not a prince. Or charming. and I'm not Cinderella.

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