Tuesday, October 18, 2016

stop pretending

Maybe I'm impatient.
Wait, no.

I know I'm impatient.
I'm impatient and I dislike wasting time.

I have a finite amount of time here on this earth. 
Do I know how finite?  nope.
I don't like wasting my time on something that won't make me happy.

I don't see the point of pretending to be something I'm not.  Ever.

Job hunting.  I go into interviews intent on being the very best version of myself.  I'm going to do my darnedest to show the interviewer that I'd be great in the job.  It's up to the interviewer to decide who,  out of all the candidates, they think is best suited for the position. And that's okay by me.  I trust that they know more about the job than I do.  I trust that they'll pick who they think is best person. If I don't trust them to do what's best for the company,  do I really want to work for them? If I pretend to be something I'm not, and I get the job?  I'm stuck pretending for as long as I'm there. Most likely, I'm not going to enjoy it.  

People hunting. Same. I'm gonna be all kristin, all honest and blunt and awkward. Enjoy it. or not.  But I'm not pretending. I don't sport.  I'm not going to pretend to enjoy them just 'cause you're cute af. If sporting is that important to you,  I don't wanna waste my time falling for you, only to have you walk out later. That just sounds like a recipe for broken hearts and I have mine nicely stitched back together, thank you very much.  

So, stop.

Stop with all the oh-my-gawd-my-life-is-over-I-don't-have-a-person.
Stop with all the no-one-will-ever-love-me.
Stop with all the I-can't-believe-I-didn't-get-the-job.

Stop teaching our children that we can only be happy when someone else loves us.
Stop teaching them that the path to happiness cannot be traversed alone.
Stop teaching them that they have to pretend to be something they're not.

Teach them that their wants and desires are just as valid as everyone else's.
Teach them to stand on their own. 
And teach them that's okay.
Because it is.  


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