Wednesday, January 15, 2014


I hate labels.
Always have.

There is so much more to me than any single label can encompass. 
Yet for years I tried to live within labels. 
Labels no one gave me but myself. No one defined but me. Mother. Wife. Responsible Adult.

In doing so, I was hiding away the parts that didn’t fit into those labels.  I was hiding away the me.

No more labels. 

I don’t fit into any one label.  I cannot be described using only a word or two.   Nor will I allow myself to be constrained by these labels. 

I am divorced.
I am a mom.
I am single.
I am a stage manager.
I am tattooed.  More than once.  In visible locations. And they are beautiful.
I have bipolar disorder.
I like comic book movies and star trek.  And American history.
I love roses.  And quilting. And chickens.
I listen to Frank Sinatra. And Green Day. And Sarah McLachlan.
I read fantasy novels.
My favorite places in the world include an empty theatre, my porch and inside a comforting hug of a man who cares.
I like glitter. And fairies. And Alice in Wonderland.
I drink Irish whiskey. Neat. And I like it.
I like sarcasm. And dry humor.
I adore simple food. And complicated people.
I don’t like being touched.  Unless I do.
I like the beach.  And the stars.  And green things that grow.
I can be sweet as honey or colder than ice.
I am mother, sister, daughter, friend.

I have accepted that I am all of these things and more.
These labels help to define me, but I will not be constrained by their definitions.
I cannot take one aspect of who I am and try to live within that box.  I will not go meekly into whatever perceived life that aspect should lead.

 I will not make apologies for who I am.
 I love myself.
I love all of me.
 I will live each day not fitting into a particular label. I will be true to myself. I will remember what is important, and let go of what is not.

I know it seems bizarre that I didn’t know this - but people like me.
The past three months continually surprised me.  Friends cared enough to learn more.  To see my quirks.  And they still liked me.  They were surprised at my dirty jokes.  They were impressed with my thoughts. They like me.

I don’t need to hide.
I don’t need to fit in any label.
I don’t need to allow a portion of my life to define my entire existence.

I am…

I am Kristin Michelle.


  1. Great post! It is hard not to try to fit into some sort of label or image of what you think you're supposed to be like. I have a million labels but none of them describe me completely!
